
At My Aruba Guide we value your experience. If you are not satisfied with our service or products, you can easily submit a complaint via
Filing a complaint
You will receive a reply from us within 14 days of receiving your complaint. If we need more time, we will notify you. 
If you do not appreciate how we handle the complaint, you can always contact the mediation department of Stichting Webshop Keurmerk, which we are affiliated with. They will then mediate. 
Handling of complaints
My Aruba Guide acts as a mediator. If your complaint relates to a specific service or product booked through us, we will forward your complaint to the relevant provider. We will do our best to ensure that your complaint is resolved to your satisfaction, but the final decision rests with the provider.
Your satisfaction is important to us. We value your feedback and want to ensure that your experience with My Aruba Guide remains unforgettable.